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« haiku my heart | Main | haiku my heart »

April 08, 2022


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Your haiku and text made me think of the Melanie-song... "Beautiful people, You live in the same world as I do..." Let us hope love will win over eventually!


If we look to nature... life always sprouts back. In different forms. Sometimes different that what I expected. So with you... I too reach out with open arms. And hope that love will find its way while I'm here to watch it unfold.

Magical Mystical Teacher

Even if we stumble, thank goodness for the light!


Yes, what if.....or...If Only. I guess we can wish, and dream. xo

A ShutterBug Explores

You always have the most amazing photos and your haiku and other words are so loving ~ Xo

Wishing you love and laughter in your days,

A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

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