Maggie Taylor
more to you than yesterday
wrapped in endless ancient grace
one flower blossoms
“When you start to feel like things should have been better this year,
remember the mountains and valleys that got you here
They are not accidents, and those moments weren't in vain.
You are not the same.
You have grown and you are growing.
You are breathing,
you are living,
you are wrapped in endless,
boundless grace.
And things will get better.
There is more to you than yesterday.”
― Morgan Harper Nichols
dear friends,
i use to believe if i loved fiercely enough
i could protect my loved ones, i could change a dark tide to light.
the crushing reality is
i can't even protect myself.
the one hundred sorrows we bear up to in
daily life as we know it today
is heart crushing.
and when you live your life connected to all of
humankind and this beautiful earth we call home-
what is the weight of such accumulative sorrow?
the enormity of despair and suffering
has been heart crushing.
and truth be told part of mending
doesn't really heal our primal wounds,
it's more a triage of
tourniquets and bandages-
to keep our insides in.
may the strongest seeds of love
crack our hearts wide open.
may we all find a tender fragile
blossom of kindness
and extend it to each other.
i can attest to the power and healing of such offerings.
an unexpected
act of kindness extended so
lovingly my way
helped me
to be here today.
every offering a mending
of hearts
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