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March 16, 2017


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Magical Mystical Teacher

Oh, how I love your distillation of Walcott's poem into a haiku!


Me too, but then that is what you do each week Rebecca prepare a feast for us, a place where we can reflect and muse and share our hearts. In just a few small words I fall in love again and again and again... XOXOXO

Jutta K. Germany

Auch ich liebe diese poetischen Zeilen immer wieder.
Sie sind ein großes Vorbild für mich.
Danke fürs verlinken.
♥liche Grüße aus Deutschland

Cathy Keller

How beautifully said and words for pondering! Have a Wonderful Saitn Patrick's Day!!!


What we give to others comes back to us...


Really interesting Walcott poem. Certainly food for thought. Thanks for sharing. xoxo sorry i missed last week...sickie :( Hoping you are feeling star studded.

artmusedog and carol

Always so inspiring to visit with you and your lovely words and photo ~ thanks,

Wishing you a Happy Day ~ ^_^


Happy St. Patrick's Day, Rebecca. Love both Maggie Taylor and Derek Walcott.

Deb Taylor

feasting on your words
tasting drinking savoring
belly full of love


Much LOVE to you.
One of my favorite poems.
What a feast we have set before us.

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