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December 03, 2016


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Magical Mystical Teacher

Thank you for calling me/us back to love...again. I am terribly angry at someone right now, and it's hard for me to get past the anger, but somewhere deep inside I know that love, not anger, will win out in the end.


When all else fails, I turn to Mary. She is the Mother of God. She did not fail Him and She will not fail us.


Sometimes peace does not look like we think it should and it is the courage that will carry us through. thank you Rebecca

peggy gatto

Nice to be here and thanks Rebecca for the comment!!


I've needed our Blessed Mother and the repeated recital of the Our Father not to harbor resentment at a family member. Some months ago I was introduce to the daily Prayers of St. Bridget on the Passion of Jesus- in it one prays seven Our Fathers. I've begun to think about what I'm saying when I pray that prayer instead of reciting it rotely (a word?). In addition, I pray the Rosary just before it so by the end I've prayed a lucky 13 Our Fathers.
I'd forgotten your wonderful 12 Days of Mary- !!!! So happy you're here and blessing us with your faithfulness.

Fran aka Redondowriter

bouguereau's work has long fascinated me. I have a print of his in my bedroom. The words you offer about peace are particularly relevant to me on this particular day. Thank you, Rebecca.


Thank you Rebecca for this call to bravery. It is my prayer with every breath. XOXOXO

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