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« haiku my heart | Main | haiku my heart »

September 29, 2016


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Place our feet on the floor of dawn... I will dream of this and of your sweet heart and this opportunity to share our love of small words and oneness... Thank you Rebecca. Xoxoxo

Susan Fox

I'm so glad you always leave your 'love light' on here for us, that we can take comfort in this haiku home, thank you...x

Reading Pleasure

The love that binds us all together on Fridays and even beyond. Have a blessed weekend, Rebecca.

artmusedog and carol

Another lovely floral and light photo and delightfully inspiring haiku ~

Wishing you Happy Weekend ~ ^_^


Basking in the love and light you share dearest Rebecca. Sending it all back to you.

Magical Mystical Teacher

If light is seeking us, may we all be found!


Lovely thoughts Rebecca, as always. I have used our wonderful haiku "space" for a different poem today. I just had to. Sometimes our hearts just come out and have to be heard. xo


His light, wholly ours and holy blessed.


Your colors shine, my colors shine... together we shine as one, big, colorful piece... love your haiku dear! Enjoy your weekend.

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