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August 05, 2016


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Magical Mystical Teacher

The best way to live is to give!

Payal Agarwal

Thank you for these beautiful thoughts in the pure light of a new day. :)


With such love, how could we not bloom into full glory? I'm going to imagine all day that I'm wearing golden pollen and that I'm sipping nectar with you. Thank you Rebecca. Xoxoxo

Reading Pleasure

There is more joy in giving than receiving. Lovely weekend, Rebecca.


Blessings to you and your Rebecca. Thank you for this Friday peaceful space.

artmusedog and carol

Another great post and photo ~ so creative.

Sending you lots of healing reiki hugs ~ ^_^

Happy Weekend to you ~ ^_^


loving as always, you send it to each of us. I'm learning from Legion of Mary visits, that my friend and I get as much joy as those whom we visit.

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