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« haiku my heart gathering | Main | haiku my heart holy »

May 12, 2016


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That's a pretty good fall of which you write!


I wait to catch you with open arms! Much love to you and our Friday circle every expanding out into the new day, no matter the season! XOXOXO

Arnoldo L. Romero

You captured the wondrous feel of a morning walk beautifully in your words. Blessings!

Kim Mailhot

It's been a long time since I visited this sweet space with small words of my own. How good for the soul to find it still blooming so beautifully.
Love and light to all, and happy Haiku My Heart day. ❤️


Falling into beauty here as always dearest Rebecca.

Payal Agarwal

bright and beautiful. :)

Laura Hegfield

Thank you dear Rebecca for opening space for all of us to fall into together, light spilling in and flowing outward.

Deb Taylor

free falling friday
tumbling with memories
i want to catch you

artmusedog and carol

Lovely visual expressed in your haiku and beautiful sunflowers that do 'fall into us' ~

Happy Weekend to you ~ ^_^

Ramesh Sood

Thanks for yet another treat.. Happy to be here again..


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