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January 28, 2016


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How I long for the shadows of our wings to touch, to breath in that new morning light and watch the steam rise together... how grateful I am that we can share these gems of words here, with this circle whispering, shouting to the Friday morning wind, that small words do matter... XOXOXO

Payal Agarwal

How beautiful!:)


Blessings, Rebecca, and hoping you are feeling better. Knowing the thousand syllables of love will come your way, as it does each Friday when you open the doors of your heart to all of us.

Susan Fox

What a beautiful picture your words paint today...I hope the rest has done you good along with the cup of Joe...x


Cold starlight,shadow, warmth, and coffee, on Friday morning with is good.


Your words hang, cold and crisp, like icicles.


your early and dark morning meets my later dark night...losing track of days but making here for haiku

artmusedog and carol

Ah, yes ~ you paint so well with your words and the photo is wonderful ~ 'have few cup of joes'

Happy Weekend to you ~ ^_^


perfect haiku for this time of year, but, oh, you have been peeking in my room! seeing me having to talk myself into venturing out of my warm quilt and onto my chilly floor (even though carpeted). I've promised myself that tomorrow I will get up early enough to get back on track going to the 8 a.m. water aerobics class. wish me good luck, please.

Ramesh Sood

Happy to be back here Rebecca.. Thanks a lot..for this beautiful space.. it's always light of joy here..



visiting early...happy to have remembered it's nearly Friday and I am settling into your warm circle of small words...


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