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« haiku my heart grateful | Main | twelve days of mary love »

December 01, 2015


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Oh, be still my heart. I am so glad you found the time to post for us Mary/divine feminine folks. I can hardly wait to see who else is going to participate.


Hello, dear Rebecca. Many blessings are ished for you are we journey through these twelve days.


Thank you for posting these twelve days of loving... I will come to visit and bask in this Mary beauty. Much love to you my dear Rebecca! XO


Hello dear Rebecca another year has passed and yet again you open the Mary circle of love! May we have twelve beautiful days of connection and community


Honoring Mary here on these days with you has become a tradition. It is a beautiful way to start this holy season. Thank you. xx

Linda Smith

Thank you Rebecca for again allowing me to be the silent viewer. It is my time to honor Mary and to embrace each of your postings.

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