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September 16, 2015


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How very beautiful this post. "seeking out the sacred,loving fiercely, giving truly, until the last song." The quote is so very exciting. I can just visualize it happening...if only we would all do that! You always have such words of wisdom. Thank you!


Your delicate allusion to end of life suggests gentle endings.


Have a wonderful time Rebecca, I will be thinking of you in my favorite city! I too want a good look around... and I'm so happy to be here with all these open hearts! XO

Magical Mystical Teacher

Enjoy the mariachis, Rebecca, as we enjoy each other's haiku offerings!

artmusedog and carol

Love the Mexican doll and your post is always so loving and inclusive ~ xox

Happy Weekend to you,
artmusedog and carol

ps. in your case ~ Bon Voyage ^_^


Have a wonderful time Rebecca. Somehow, I know I didnt need to tell you that. :)


Thinking of you and San Miguel. Soak up all that it offers. Blowing xxx kisses.

Reading Pleasure

Beautiful post, Rebecca.

Payal Agarwal

Lovely post! Have a great time.:)


Oh yeah - before it grows dark (my eyes are getting worse and worse)- - -
Wonderful encouraging post.
Have a blessed time :-)


It's been so long since I have visited. So good to be back this evening. So good that I posted my link TWICE! I added today's date on the second time around. Enjoy your time away! Blessings!


I have missed your profound gift because I've spent so little time online dealing with my lack of my decision making. Thank you for your radiant spirit.

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