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August 27, 2015


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Such abundance and such a harvest gleaned... despite the heat, I feel the touch of Fall in the air and the evenings... I savor these days, especially our Fridays, all the more... how fortunate are we to find ourselves savoring these moments, together... love you sweet Rebecca... XOXOXO


The heads are bowing heavily now. Next year's flowers are being collected.


Summer is, indeed, nearly gone and mine has been fraught with sorrow and joy. Just waiting to see what autumn has to offer. I guess the word for the day is "anticipation." Have a grand weekend!!

Magical Mystical Teacher

I'm wishing for the end of summer! In our beloved desert today the high is supposed to be 110 and tomorrow even higher! Instead of complaining, however, I shall dream of finches and sunflowers.

Mark M. Redfearn

Thanks for sharing this dream-catcher with us, Rebecca!


These are such lovely thoughts, Rebecca. Vivid description of the reality of summer's end. Do you think finches truly dream golden dreams? I like to think so. Such beauty you have portrayed, both in pictures and words.

Payal Agarwal

How lovely! Thank you. :)

artmusedog and carol

Rebecca ~ wonderful heart warming words to welcome the change in seasons and ~ Wonderful haiku about the finch and fantastic photo!

Happy Weekend to you,
artmusedog and carol


So wonderful in photos and words!
Thank you and have a blessed time


Summer is waning...and the gold finch did not visit my sunflowers this year. Hope the cooling weather has found it's way to you...

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