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May 07, 2015


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Here I am... back from my wanderings, home at last. And now, breathing in the light and love of coming here... thank you for this Friday haiku gift of your small words that completely fill my heart dear Rebecca. XO

Magical Mystical Teacher

"Being" may be our most important calling. A blessed Friday to you, Rebecca, and to all who visit this sacred space.

Reading Pleasure

Lovely,as usual., Rebecca. Do have a great weekend.

Laura Hegfield

Beautiful, welcoming, sacred space as always dear Rebecca.

Mark M. Redfearn

I'm glad to be here with everyone else who honors the sacred way of haiku.


Like you all of us here appreciate and love sharing our light with haiku,friendship and belonging. LOVE you Rebecca.


Savoring your light my dear


Thank you, Rebecca, for guiding us into the light! xo

Susan Fox

I'm here as a witness to the special kind of love and belonging that circulates around Haiku my Heart! I notice it is Mother's Day in America tomorrow, here in the UK it is in March... You dear Rebecca epitomize the Mother of love & Light...x


Oh yeah, I'm thankful every morning for the light, what I see rising thrue the stores of my bedroom, shows me the time to stand up... makes me rich and happy.
Thank you for your wise words.
Greetings from Germany

artmusedog and carol

Beauty and love are always here ~ gorgeous photography and haiku!

Happy Week to you,
artmusedog and carol

ps. late in commenting ^_^

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