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« haiku my heart | Main | haiku my heart from afar »

March 20, 2015


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Reading Pleasure

What a beautiful haiku, Rebecca.

Magical Mystical Teacher

Joyous spring to all who stop here today!


I would love to sow a seed of change. At least it can be in my heart. Have a wonderful Spring beginning.


Many blessings and love to you dear Rebecca always and always. xxx
Happy Spring.

Laura Hegfield

So beautiful dear Rebecca. This is a special moon indeed. It is Rosh Chodesh Nisan and tonight we shall witness the beginning of beginnings
the first sliver of Nisan's moon
a light that signifies presence
to every blessing possible
freedom in this moment
ha'chodesh hazeh
this newness
this renewal
this breath
this birth

Payal Agarwal

how beautiful! :)

artmusedog and carol

love 'cathedral of light' provides a wonderful image to me and your photo is exquisite also!

Happy Weekend to you,
artmusedog and carol

Mark M. Redfearn

I come to the cathedral with you to bathe in the light!


Spring is so far away for so many. Warm sunlight is still absent for light is always HOPE.

Ramesh sood

Had been traveling on Friday.. returning from Panjab to Pune.. Well, I can't miss HMH Rebecca.I came to hear 1000 birds singing.. Wow.. it is very much..

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