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« loving lupita a flame for peace | Main | loving lupita »

December 09, 2014


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Hettienne Grobler

This is absolutely breathtaking! she has the most incredible expression on her face and that sky-roof! i am going to print and frame this one! so so vivid!

Magical Mystical Teacher

Why would anyone wring out the light? ;)


Imagine glowing clothing....

Paula Scott

Oh, my! That is the most exquisite and perfect image I've seen of Our Lady of Guadalupe. I'd be very content and delighted to have her in my home.


So much goodness in San Miguel -- so much beauty.

Fran aka Redondowriter

Such a beautiful Mary. The time, labor and love that went into this piece is the work of a lifetime. My friend Connie Hammond Saunders admires the work of Orly Avineri and I told her about your recent trip to San Miguel Allende. Connie might be interested. How many times and when will you go in 2015?


Oh to welcome love in such a way! I want to walk around in glowing clothes!!!! Maybe... just maybe... we all do... perhaps it is this skin we wear...


awe-inspiring! I'd love to visit there sometime soon.

Cathy Joritz

Thank you Rebecca, for such a wonderful idea (a Virgin a Day) and for the open invitation to all to participate! I'll spend hours here...


she is like an angel flying in on wings of fire..

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