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December 12, 2014


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Magical Mystical Teacher

...or stir the pot of blog inaction!


dear rebecca
i have squeezed in on the final day...
life has been all-consuming
i have not forgotten you
nor your clan
for me
mary and rebecca are synonyms.
love to you Xo


I'm intrigued and interested in the Postcard from
Paradise concept dear Rebecca xxx

Hettienne Grobler

Dear Rebecca Thank you for hosting these twelve days - it was magical and really special to me!! I will definitely participate in Postcards from Paradise. I am departing for India on Sunday and will play along from there - I am sure I will find some magic to share! Please forgive me I did not play haiku this week as I had been saving this article to share today! blessings

Deb Taylor

"stirring the pot of inaction" well said Magical Mystical.
The past 12 days have been like sitting with an old friend or few.
I have missed you.
much love, Deb

Cathy Keller

Beautiful Haiku!!! Glad to be back!

Mark M. Redfearn

Glad to be here today, sharing my heart's haiku with you!


So happy to be here, sipping this juice, this light from these twelve days... Yes. I too would like to send out some postcards of paradise, joining you on yet another adventure of the heart and seeing beauty where ever we go. Thank you Rebecca for having us all here. I love you.

Paula Scott

Oh, Rebecca! How I LOVE the idea of the Round Circle posts in honor of Joe! He surely did have that knack of making you feel like he sat down next to you to talk. Such a gift! And I too, sorely miss him.
And, thank you too for introducing me to the amazing art of Lynn Mcllvride Evans-wow.
How I enjoy these journeys with you and the others. It is like no other.

Laura Hegfield

Walking through the woods this morning I thought of Joe "Spadoman" as I tromped across snow, and the beautiful snow shoes he fashioned by hand. It is good to gather, to spread light and kindness, remembering connection to one and all and to the ONE who loves us one and all.

Fran aka Redondowriter

Ah, how swiftly the twelve days passed. It has been so meaningful to me to have spent the time with others in creating our versions of Mary and/or the divine feminine. Thank you for your generosity, Rebecca, in hosting us again. Yes, when Spadoman died, I think it affected all of us. I like to think of him zipping around "heaven" on his motorcycle. I'm delighted that you are considering bringing back Postcards from Paradise. I need the continuing support of all of you to post to the blog these days. Facebook has definitely changed my Internet habits.


I am so glad we all shared these twelve days together Rebecca. My heart feels like it opened more.xx Thank you so much for everything.
I'm in for a weekly Round Circle meeting Joe style.


Postcards or Round Circle, whichever it turns out to be, will be welcomed. I will participate as often as I can. Thanks Rebecca, for the last twleve days. xo


Ohhhh....the final day....

Loved coming here daily for the past few days and seeing everyone's BVMs! Thanks to all who stopped by my blog and looked or left a comment.

If visitors have the time (1 hour), this video is REALLY worthwhile. Amazing, that it only has 83 views as I post its link:

Advent Lecture Series - Part 3 - Mary, Virgin Most Faithful

Mark M. Redfearn

Yes, Round Circle, in honor of Joe...

Linda Smith

Rebecca, thank you for allowing me, a reader to view each of these 12 days for now it is my second year with each of you. I looked forward each day reading all of the posts and all of the comments.

artmusedog and carol

Special 12 day gift ~ thank you Rebecca ~ always so much love, light and creativity here ~ pray for me.

Happy Weekend to you,
artmusedog and carol


I was not able to view yesterday as we had an incredible stew of a schedule and that continues today - but tonight i will do the 12th day pilgrimage and be filled with wonder. If you are game to continue your community building i will come by the circle from time to time though i apologize that i cannot promise more than that at this juncture in my life. Even when not posting i peak when i can :-)I love the idea of connecting the circle with the memory of Spadoman. You are a jewel in Mary's crown. xxxx

Susan Fox

I have been away for awhile, life has dished out more challenges for me but you are always in my thoughts and heart, and of course our Joe, we love and miss him so dearly! It would be an honour to Joe and a pleasure for us to have the 'round-circle' for a weekly kindred connection... will be by when I can. x


Thank you so much for hosting this wonderful meme. I started out with so much to do, then pain set in. So I've done very little blogging and even smaller reading. May the rest of Advent be a blessing for you and all who meet here.

artmusedog and carol

Think Round Circe would be lovely to honor Joe Spadoman ~ would this be on Sundays?

Happy Holidays to you ~
artmusedog and carol

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