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« haiku my heart beautiful | Main | haiku my heart forever »

November 06, 2014


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Magnificent shot and words. Stars sound so jubilant to me.

Magical Mystical Teacher

Which is better: trees with leaves or trees with stars? Oh, it's so hard to choose! I guess the best thing to do is take things as they come, with thanksgiving.

Mark M. Redfearn

I'm glad to be here with all of you today, and look forward to reading your haiku offering.


Thank you for this oh so lovely reminder that it's time to slow down and let go. I'd like to find myself as a twinkling star in the heavens one day!

Laura Hegfield

Love to you on another grey flannel sky day ( yesterday's post: )

artmusedog and carol

Ah so true life is about letting go ~ returning to the stars ~ lovely haiku and post ~ Beautiful photo!

Happy Weekend to you,
artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)


Thank you for lighting this warming fire for us to gather around.

ms pir

oh to look up and see the light of stars brings such happiness .... thank u Rebecca for always shining the light


The trees are wearing diamonds, and will dance the night away beneath the full moon... I will meet you there... xoxoxoxo

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