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November 27, 2014


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Magical Mystical Teacher

How wonderful to be with you all this (U.S.) Thanksgiving weekend! It is indeed "a bright feast of love"!

artmusedog and carol

love the 'bright feast of love' ~ truly what this season of 'light' is all about ~ lovely haiku ~

Happy Weekend to you,
artmusedog and carol

Ramesh sood

Hello from Pune where Winter is just knocking on the doors... Thank you for the warmth in this wonderful place Rebecca...



Thankful for you graciously giving us this place to share our bright feast. With LoVe.


Welcome home! How grateful am I for these words we share, a feast that touches my soul, opens my heart, opens my eyes, and sends me on my way with new connections... I love you Rebecca Brooks. xo


Missing you, my friend, but happy to be back with you sharing our Friday haikus. How did we forget to do this last week?! Too busy in the moment, I guess!

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