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September 11, 2014


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I hope you know how much my heart loves being here this morning, and every Friday morning. Thank you, Rebecca, for continuing to call us together week by week. XXOOXOXO

Laura Hegfield

may we all be blessed by every last sip of warmth and sunlight as the days continue to shorten, the cold sets in, and we must warm ourselves with delight in the shift in color palette.

artmusedog and carol

It certainly did slip through 'our fingers' ~ now moving into Autumn ~ lovely photography and haiku and happy weekend to you ~ xoxoxo

artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)


These last sips of summer light... I so love sharing with you Rebecca and this circle that touches my heart so... golden pollen these haiku words and your love, a flower of such beauty... thank you Rebecca, with all my heart sweet friend. XO


May we all find enjoyment in these last blooms as summer yields to fall. Thinking of you often dear Rebecca with much love.

Mark M. Redfearn

It's hard to say what I'm missing most: the summer that's almost past, or the way a couple dozen or more people used to participate in Haiku My Heart every Friday.


each year I think that summer won't fly by, but it does! today's temperature announces that by the calendar or not, autumn is here.


I think now, after 26 years in the valley, I've grown used to the heat of summer. Perhaps it was being home after our long period away that made it more bearable. Whatever the reason, it's good to know that next summer will not be so dreaded. Even terrible heat can become a welcomed friend.


I must admit, I'm not looking forward to the approaching winter but I do feel grateful for your words and image today, Rebecca, they do much to warm my heart on this chilly day here in the North.

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