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August 14, 2014


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I think more than summer has swallowed me. I hope that the "more" is love!

Reading Pleasure

A perfect and brethless moment in time beautifully described Rebecca.

Laura Hegfield

What a courageous act to free fall from such a high place on earth through the air into the water beneath the radiance of sun (fire)...always we are the nexus… "here" is the connection between was and will be flowing into each other. (and the elements too!) On a walk yesterday, observing the bright wildflowers of summer, here and there grasses were part green part purple-red, among the green leaves on the trees, there were a few colorful maples on the earth beneath my feet. Thank you as always dear Rebecca for sharing your wise words and exquisite photos.


Yes, it won't be long. Soon the sun will hang low, the cicadas will (thankfully) sleep again, the leaves will become ever more beautiful, and the cycle will begin once more. It's the way it has to be. Have a peaceful, soft weekend Rebecca. xo


I too am feeling the loss of summer already, the changes coming fast and furious. Reflecting on reflections



We've already had some very cool mornings, requiring on my part a long-sleeved shirt. But joyous today with the Feast of Assumption. What a magnificent photo of your son letting go from such a high place! I especially like the lighting in your photo of the leaves.


I am so not ready to let go of summer just yet but your words could convince me, Rebecca. So brave of your son to make that jump!

artmusedog and carol

Handsome son and gorgeous photography and lovely haiku ~ you such an inspiration ~ xoxxo

artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

peggy gatto

Well hello to all!
I just had a chance to post for this and am asking that it is also for tomorrow's haiku!!!!
Love to all!


I missed all of this while I was away. Such a beautiful post!!!

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