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March 06, 2014


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Our shadows meet in this light of friendship... our hands entwined... thinking of you with all my heart... XO

Susan Fox

I feel the distance, for I want to hug that shadow and comfort her. What one feels we all feel here, we are so sensitively connected, the 'haiku family'.

Sending you my 'Silken Love'.


Laura Hegfield

I love your photo… your hair dancing in the light … that we have a place to gather and meet each week. Thank you Rebecca.


Could it be that our truest selves are found only in the shadows?


Wonderful thoughts. Sometimes we can see ourselves more clearly in the shadows. Thanks for the love every Friday!


It's thank YOU, Rebecca, for bringing us all together to write these joyful words and feel the spirit of kinship.

Love your sun shadow. It's so warm feeling.

Lisa JonesMoore

Rebecca, thinking of you...

Reading Pleasure

I love that your sun danced, Rebecca. Today my sun smiled


savoring your beautiful heart shaped shadow...patiently waiting for spring.



Love how your shadow echo's the Asian lady on the Haiku badge. Beautiful photograph.
Hope you are well dearest one.

Deb Taylor

sunshine never dies
your love light shines forever
blinded by your light

ms pie

how enlightening to think we are within our shadow with the sun's reflection

artmusedog and carol

The lightest is brightest in the dark ~ lovely and loving haiku and yes we are connected and haiku is another gift ~ lots of hugs to you ~ xxx

artmusedog and carol


I'm so late to the party today but I am hoping that you find joy in the sun and the shadows in equal measure to the joy and light you spread!


So sorry, I posted a link to last week's haiku by mistake, don't know how to delete it! :(

Love, love, love the image of you and your beautiful hair in shadow - gorgeous! Glad to be part of this talented group, even when I'm late and kerfuffled!

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