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February 13, 2014


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Susan Fox

So glad to be the opening flower on this Valentine's Day, embracing friendship and love! x


I like the simplicity of your valentine tree. Happy day, Rebecca!


Wishing much love and friendship to us all on this special Valentine's Day of Friday haikus, and especially to you, dear Rebecca!


"Ankle deep in love." It reminds me of wading in the creek as a child and the joy I had in splashing about and the exhilaration I felt as my feet tingled in the cold water! Brings a smile to my face!!! Happy Valentine's Day!!

Laura Hegfield

Happy Valentine's Day dear Rebecca, may love continue to fill your whole being to over flowing.

Reading Pleasure

A beautiful haiku, Rebecca. Lots of love and best wishes on this Special Day!

Deb Taylor

I am ankle deep in love with you

artmusedog and carol

Your words are always so loving and creative ~ Photo is exquisite ~ Happy Valentine's Day ~ xxx

carol and artmusedog


Happy Valentine's Day my sweet heart friend! I too am ankle, elbow, chin, but most of all, heart in love with you too! XOXOXO


Happy Valentines Day to all - heart-full of LOVE!


Happy Valentine's Day from San Miguel, dear heart!


ah, I remember that feeling! Red is such a delicious color. happy Valentine's Day to you sweet lady!

miss pie

ankle deep in love... now that's a valentine.... xoxoxo ms pie

Fran aka Redondowriter

I haven't visited in a long time, but here I am, dear ones. Happy Valentines Day to all of you.

peggy gatto

So many wonderful hearts!!!
Each friday brings a new one into life!
Thanks Rebecca and artists!!!

Ramesh Sood

Got a little late here.. Yet I arrived to share my flowers.. Thanks Rebecca,,



My love to you sweet friend.

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