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« haiku my heart lifting the veil | Main | postcards from paradise gathering light »

November 07, 2013


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Simply beautiful....

Missing the floating petals, ancient city, days of arting, and friends.

peggy gatto

So glad you are back from a wonderful and joyful adventure. Love that we benefit also with your wonderful pictures and words!!


Happy to see you back, Rebecca, and look forwrd to seeing the fruits of your latest trip to SMA.

Wabi sabi

Welcome home!


I'd love to be a rose right now. Welcome back, Rebecca!


Sounds like a wonderful time! Wishing you well!

Mark M. Redfearn

Welcome back! I began to think you had taken up permanent residence in San Miguel! ;)


{{ i awoke
this morning missing
the church bells ...

them }}

thank you
dear one



welcome home...
what a soulFULL life is LIVED down there
your light adds to and generates the warmth.



Wonderful rose petals to celebrate life.

Deb Taylor

oh to float with you
December to remember
Savor San Miguel

Kim Mailhot

Welcome home, Lovely One.
May the landing be as gentle as floating in a serene pond of love.
Hugs !

Reading Pleasure

Welcome back, dear Rebecca. A beautiful post!

Laura Hegfield

Gorgeous Rebecca thank you!!!

Susan Fox

My love, sweet petal, how I have missed you! Knowing your heart is happy this is enough to bring me joy...x


Glad that you and your fellow travelers had a great and safe trip. Good to have you home.


Lisa JonesMoore

Lovely lovely!!


It is nice that you are home. Mr. Linky is not working for me today and last time too. We are working on the problem. I hope you had a wonderful time. xoxo


Thought I'd play along, such a lovely idea!


Welcome home... Thank you for having links for us the Fridays you were away... how grateful I am for these Fridays... and you... and haiku... and opening to love, again and again, each and every day... XOXOXO

artmusedog and carol

Wonderful post as always ~ Love the floating petals and loving haiku ~ happy weekend to you ~ carol, xxx

Laurie Zuckerman

I am going to have to learn to write Haikus, but for now I only know how to work with visual poetry. Rebecca, I love your visual poetry of the roses in the fountain. A fabulously inspiring image. Reminds me of being out on the Pacific Ocean on a boat, scattering my mother's ashes which were covered over by a layer of multi-color rose petals. All the ash and petals swirled together on the seas. Staggering.


what a delicious visual to show us your love!


{{ isn't it grand
to B home
again ...

until Next Time }}


Welcome home! Love the petals. Sounds like you had a great time

peggy gatto

I missed posting my words of welcome home.
Fridays are always a joy!

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