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« haiku my heart from the land of enchantment | Main | haiku my heart we all float on »

November 01, 2013


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Mark M. Redfearn

May the last song not come too soon!


Lovely words and sentiment that is heartfelt, powerful and needed to sustain our very lives. Peace to you dear friend. Celebrating lives of our loved ones here as i know you are there.



That is a very telling post Rebecca. Your spirit and your hopes, dreams, wishes and fears show. Big hugs to you.

Deb Taylor

with you
every step of the way
near and far


thinking of you as the veil thins and we light candles and sit in the glow...

remembering them
in glow of candles lit
and fluttering breath

haiku here, altar there


The lovely thing about a world gone dark is that we can always rely on the light to return to us. Blessings to you on the Feast of All Saints.

Wabi Sabi

This spoke directly to my heart which is brimming with love for this bright beautiful world! May it be so for all of us! Bless you!


Our world is filled with many things that deserve a good look. It's always wonderful to celebrate life of the living and of those who once lived.


oh, my dear Rebecca, what a surprise for me to find that your feelings match so many of mine in recent months! one friend even suggested that I quit listening to the nightly news. as if! maybe the two of us can keep those fears at bay by our joining our hearts and hands.
God bless you always!


Remembering... this time last year... being with you, Steph, and Bonnie... where my heart began to heal, eyes opening wide to this incredible world around us in all new ways... thinking of you with much love and gratitude... and all my heart... xoxoxo


I can feel your heart and love in this. Be Blessed.

Fran aka Redondowriter

I love your words, Rebecca, and your art, of course. Are you still in San Miguel? After celebrating Day of the Dead on Friday night and reflecting on my own life by this year's home ofrenda, life seems fragile. Consequently, it also becomes all that much more precious. Hope you had an incredible time.

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