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October 07, 2013


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I am so ready to walk through a mercado and meet Mary this morning! Guess I'll have to wait until I go to San Miguel in February!


I have borrowed some of your beautiful thoughts and words in your tribute to Mary and put them on my blog in today's Mary morning. Thank you Rebecca.


Just beautiful words Rebecca. Love the photos of Mary. Have a great week.

Fran aka Redondowriter

Absolutely amazing, all the words, the colors--the iridescent, neon colors. Thanks for leaving a comment on last week's Mary. I'm about to post one on this post today.


what a surprise to me that I am drawn to these iridescent colors! they draw me in the way I long for our Mother Mary and her son to beckon me and reassure me that I can lay my tense, worrisome nature down at their feet.

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