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July 04, 2013


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A lovely image and great words on freedom.


It is especially important for children to breathe free... see my haiku/post today. What a coincidence... Enjoy your weekend dear Rebecca!


That little girl is adorable, and certainly looks exhausted. Feel good Rebecca!

Kim Mailhot

Yet, there is always hope, especially when loving hearts gather.
Light and huge love to you, Beautiful Rebecca !


Hope, we need to have it and always prayer. Have a great weekend, I know it's an oven burning right now, it is over here. Take care, stay cool.


hope no new fires were sparked with the festivities...I thought personal fireworks were banned here but the neighborhoods were crazy last night. Thankfully nothing new sparked.

enjoy your weekend

Wabi Sabi

I hope you are breathing free today...under the soft shade of loved and loving ones!

Reading Pleasure

Freedom is beautiful, just like your words


Holding this lamp at the door... How grateful I am for those who hold the lamps when we can not... Much love to you sweet Rebecca.


If I were forlorn and exhausted, I'd lay down my torch too!


May we the huddled masses hold up the torch for the lady as she catches her breath.

Maggie Grace

Sorry am a bit late. What a sweet photo and haiku. The quote, though, at what point did that stop meaning what it had meant? So sad for the US.


what a fabulous Lady Liberty outfit for that tired little sweetheart! I love the words from our lady of freedom. I'm so pleased that she is once more open to her citizens.

Deb Taylor

your words like freedom
create wind beneath my wings
so I can fly high


What a great tradition and beautiful tribute! Your words always capture the moment and what a cute little Statue of Liberty.

peggy gatto

Ah, inspiration and hope, thank you!


A lovely tradition. I love parades. Thank you so much for sharing your photos. It's wonderful to see a tribute to the Firefighters.


I love these annual festivities and it makes for such a joyous occasion to look forward to!! It is fun time for children and it will be treasured in their memory forever!! Lovely Prescott tradition!! The little fireman and his determination is so much to feel proud about!! My heart jumped with joy today rebecca just like a childs!!

Laura Hegfield

So beautiful Rebecca, what a blessed tradition. That little girl with the pup certainly melted my heart.


Beautiful, Rebecca. Makes my heart burst wide open.


I have come back here several times to gaze upon these beautiful children and soak up your haiku... Such beauty and innocence... where all of life and endless possibilities stretch far open and wide before them... xo


A calamity that struck our world in June is so sad and overwhelming!! I am sending you this link to my post and a video clip from the BBC News channel!!

peggy gatto

heartwarming and heartrending, thank you!

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