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« haiku my heart prescott strong | Main | mornings with mary »

July 07, 2013


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Robin aka Gotham Girl

So touching...


Last week my daughter and I made cobbler from the peaches in her yard. A dwarf peach tree blooms and bears fruit after three years. Peach trees in honor of the lost firefighters. Beautiful.

Cheryl's Excellent Adventure

I am with you in spirit. Love the poem and the pictures. I love the taste of peaches off the tree.


In spirit as well Rebecca. Love the poem.

Deb Taylor

such a beautiful tribute
thank you for such a heartfelt post

Laurie Zuckerman

I agree with everyone that the peach trees will be a forever memorial for all those brave young men. Sounds like your community is even stronger than ever, and I hope one day those peach blossoms will bring joy to your town of Prescott.


Thank you for your beautiful words, both yours and Li-Young Lees...we thought of you last night when we saw the procession and the community lining the road.



I have thought of you and your Prescott this entire week. I have also thought a lot about our time in Mexico and the procession in Pozos... I thought about you as I lay near our river on Saturday... and how life can be gentle in one moment and then so turbulent and how nothing is ever the same... only the love is and the desire to be as present as possible to each and every moment that presents itself, no matter what... may these succulent trees forever feed the hearts and souls of all who pause in their shade and remember... all my love to you sweet Rebecca.


lovely peaches and flowers! I love this fruit so much!!!

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