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« haiku my heart forever | Main | mornings with mary, the first time »

June 02, 2013


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Laura Hegfield

The most astonishing wide-awake light of Presence through the heart of your flowers Rebecca... beautiful!


oh oh, dear one ...
your shining light
to florida
& beyond ...

~~we almost miss our chance
to taste god~~

these words
are why
i try to always tune into You
and to Here ...

your back*lit blue morning glory,
""a bowl full of simple""

thank you

Deb Taylor

I want to bathe in naked light with you
We could swim in healing waters


Happy Birthday, dear one! Thank you for being a constant in my life. For welcoming us all into the house of belonging and for being, in and of yourself a great filament of light, bearing witness to the miraculous and healing power of love and friendship. May today be a day for tasting the sweetness of God's love for you, rebecca. (No post, just a hello xox)

Deb Taylor

I celebrate you. Everyday.


All is beauty, all is light!


oh, the glory of these wonder they are called morning glories!

peggy gatto

Glorious, my favorite flower ever!

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