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April 26, 2013


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So glad YOU'RE here too, you pink-moon-lover, you!


Pink Moon indeed! We've gone from Winter to Summer, today! The upper Midwest skipped Spring this year, but that beautiful moon still shines.

Peace, Love and Hugs

Laura Hegfield

so happy to join you and your beautiful pink moon energy dear Rebecca!

Dawn Elliott - AlterEgoMexicana

Wasn't the moon so incredibly gorgeous last night??? You captured it so beautifully in every way!

Wabi Sabi

Thank you for sharing your joy in the Full Pink Moon. Spring is finally here and it pours joy into every heart. Have a joyful spring-filled weekend!


So glad YOU are here Rebecca! I will look up to the night sky in a couple of hours to see if the moon greets me pink too tonight... and I will send thoughts of love and peace with her, to drop of at your place when she continues her orbit.


That is a wonderful photo, Rebecca,
the vibrancy of the phlox is coloring the moon.
It's just glorious!
You always make the day better♥♥♥


Beautiful the way the moon is reflected in the water, looking like the spring flame in everyone's heart.

Anthony North

Great words. Although Spring keep stalling where I am.

Kim Mailhot

I hope this pink moon brings plently of sweetness for all of us, Beautiful Heart.
Big love and glorious light to you !

Meri @ Meri's Musings

The moon was a wafer of silver fire last night.


Dancing with you in my heart under the full pink moon.


It was a large bright ball of gold for us here but was so beautiful!! I think I saw the moon blushing a bit with a happy smile on her face hiding behind a fluffy bloom!! :)


My blue day meets your pink moon...



gorgeous foreground for the full moon! I've never heard of a pink moon!

Deb Taylor

I am here with you

and new season together!

Jump with me for JOY


Just couldn't resist linking a second haiku, and leaving you pink-moon greetings again!


When I saw the pink moon this morning I wanted to go over to the beach and get a photo. I know it would have been beautiful. But alas, I was too sleepy, so I took a photo with rooftops and wires. Sigh, such is suburbia, hmmm? Still, the moon is beautiful, as are your thoughts.


my son was born on a sunday under a full moon so i am drawn to the glorious light of the moon but a pink moon... how splendid. you captured the beauty with your photograph and opened your welcoming arms with your words. hugs to you my friend.

Carol and artmusedog ^_^

I tried Google + and it is blocking comments from anyone that doesn' have a google + account of profile ~ now am trying to get back ` Wish me luck ^_^

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