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March 10, 2013


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Dawn Elliott - AlterEgoMexicana

Often, when I read your posts, I am in awe of the ferociously eloquent way in which you write. Words, for me, don't come in such magical rich and deep, so rhythmic, so soulful. This time I'm moved by "...holding loss and promise in equal measure..." It is a pleasure and an honor to know you and your work, and to share this time with you each week.


Your words and art take me out beyond what I might think is an ordinary morning. Thank you always for reminding us it is holy.

Meri @ Meri's Musings

Paradise has brought me here, to linger in the warm blanket of your words. To taste the ice cold of your images. To wiggle my bare toes with delight. To click my heels and say, "I'm home again."


It took me outside to play...

but wanting to come here, to share with you.

such beauty in this new light



Lovely thoughtful words, as always Rebecca. And the pictures. I know they are not, but they take me back to some time I spent in Georgia, and picked cotton bolls when I was a child, for that is what these look like, these snowy wonders.


snow !!

i have heard
of such things !!

"""holding loss
and promise in equal measure"""

{{ there is reason
the balance,
isn't there }}

PS-- i am just back
from the sea*Shore,
missy !!

Gemma Wiseman

Love the expression "lens of forgiveness"! So very beautiful!


oh, how eloquently your words resonate! I pledge not to envy your gift, but I may bask in the knowledge that I am a blog friend of yours!

Magical Mystical Teacher

once again be small
a single strawberry seed
sliced from scarlet flesh

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