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March 17, 2013


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Magical Mystical Teacher

Most people don't notice potato blossoms. Most people don't even grow potatoes. You do both. You are wonder-full!


what a pleasure! to be treated to this vision of early spring! Alas...Our much promised rain did not materialize but I will savor yours.

We are meeting in the garden this morning! to plant some peas and plan our potatoes!


Dawn Elliott - AlterEgoMexicana

Happy Saint Patrick's Day to you, as well! I have a strong feeling that there will be much working around the yard going on at your house today - and at ours, as well! What better way to celebrate this glorious harbinger of SPRING?


what a perfect blessing
to give others,
dear rebecca !!

so like you to do so ...

{{ yes
i do know this potato flower
love them
when they go to seed ...
they are quite small & fragile
your photos
do them Fine Justice,
i must say ... }}

Deb Taylor

oh the fresh green and luscious whites!
Come visit me in my light.


How appropriate to post your beautiful potato plants and LOVE on St.Patricks day.
May you reap all of the LOVE you have sown dearest one.

Carol and artmusedog ^_^

Happy St Paddy's Day to you with your magical and inspiring words and beautiful photography ~ Enjoy ^_^


Thank you for the beautiful blessing. I take it to heart and to my garden. Have a wonderful week.

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