judy wise
i think you know by now i have found a true home in
san miguel de allende.
there is nothing i enjoy more than throwing open the floodgates of life,
gathering a group of sojourners
to share the gift of living straight from the heart.
nothing more soul stirring than that...
unless of course you include a long nurtured dream come true.
Pilgrimage in Paint
three treasured artists
three visions
a holy trinity of creativity
san miguel de allende
october 26-nov.3 2013
a week to reside in a
charming cloistered setting
just a few blocks from the jardin.
camaraderie, delicious meals, an art room available round the clock,
inspiring days in the studio with the incomparable
judy wise , stephanie lee and katie kendrick
tucking us safely under their wings
and excursions into the always delightful
san miguel de allende.
the art of seeing
armed with journals, sketching tools, cameras and curiosity
we will step outside the courtyard and into the jardin,
the heart and pulse of san miguel.
judy will be our guide as we strengthen the lens of present moment seeing
capturing the world around us,
instilling ease and enjoyment in the powerful and reflective
art of drawing.
back in the art room judy will help us marry our renderings with
a strong collection of her personal favorite techniques
employing collage, acrylics, hot wax, and mysterious layering.
connecting us to the world we inhabit through the ultimate joy of creating.
legacy in texture
stephanie will guide us in the inquiry of texture and
surface patterns
as we draw on the legacy of ancient and modern carpenters and abode builders of Mexico
to recreate the energy of San Miguel in plaster and wax.
we will look to light and shadow,
sky and vegetation, buildings and people,
to create studies in texture and color that we will finish
with luminous layers of wax.
with simple tools in hand,
we will create conversations in mark making within the layers of our mediums
to honor and represent all the layers of legacy that guide us
using some of our creations to create a tiled portfolio
to contain all our works from this beautiful week.
awakening inner visions
katie will lead us on an interior journey within the contours of our hearts.
together we will explore our inner creative world
fueled by the inspiration of san miguel,
with a nod to the divine,
creating a retablo dedicated to the sacred feminine within us all.
with cardboard, acrylics,
graphite, collage and love
katie will unleash our passion, awakening
our inner muse with wild abandon.
On our final class,
Judy, Katie, and Stephanie will converge to collaboratively guide us
through the final stages of completion of our works
as well as the construction of a painted pouch that,
up to that point, will have been a working surface that we will transform into
a narrative closing chapter to our shared pilgrimage in paint
all wrapped up in the arms of exotic san miguel!
for more information and to join us
please visit me at
thank you everyone for your enthusiastic response
this workshop is now full!
i am beside
with the sweet possibility ...
{{ i have High Apple Pie
in the Sky Hopes !! }}
----> plus
""the construction
of a painted pouch""
*** if only
Johnny Depp
or Robert Downey Jr.
going to be there to transport me
from the airport
would i Be
more excited ***
Posted by: somepinkflowers | March 20, 2013 at 02:58 PM
I think you are going to love this gathering, Rebecca. Happy Spring! xxoo
Posted by: judie | March 20, 2013 at 05:20 PM
I am savoring the very thought of joining this amazing trio.
Let it be
Posted by: Deb Taylor | March 20, 2013 at 06:06 PM
divine collaboration!!!
Posted by: peggy gatto | March 20, 2013 at 08:55 PM
Sublime Divine Devotions!
Hugs x
Posted by: Sue Fox | March 21, 2013 at 12:44 AM
This will be... the most divine adventure... I know it, from every cell in my body, and to the depth of my bones, aching to be there dancing with you all as well in your home away from home... XOXOXO
Posted by: Lea | March 21, 2013 at 12:47 PM