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« love fiercely | Main | on friday she made a flaming heart... »

February 15, 2013


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I must have felt you Rebecca... and I come running back to the haiku circle after a long blog-break. It's lovely to find you here so I can send you a big hug from over the ocean. Enjoy your weekend dear one!

Laura Hegfield

but without you Rebecca, the seamstress, how would our quilt be stitched together???

Dawn Elliott - AlterEgoMexicana

So true, I was roused from my slumber to come and find you, but you hadn't posted yet. Somehow I knew you were there, finding just the right sentiment to bring us all together in Haiku. As is always true, your words delight!

Wabi Sabi

I did feel you this morning, in the silent place where love and holiness dwell for me. And I sat, in patience, waiting for your love to fly across the (temporal)space between us. Thank you for this gift!

Magical Mystical Teacher

Yes, I believe I hear the bird singing this morning...


if we are the song, then you are the tie us together and sprinkle us with love.♥♥

Anthony North

I like the way you put that.


singing holy songs
over here, too, dear one ...

{{ i am most often
late to the haiku party,
early today
i decided to think
you must B
having the morning
you Needed
elsewhere ♥

you are always
in my heart,
anyway ♥ }}

Carol and artmusedog ^_^

So good to have you back ~ and hope you had a magical and loving time ~ ^_^


That's a nice thought. May your heart be warmed today, Rebecca.


How funny - I just did put one up about cardinals singing, inspired by a few of them singing their arias this morning!

Bruce Miller

You always do seem to find the words to stitch us together b e a utifully!


Beautiful haiku. There can be consolation in darkness and quiet. I think I pray best when it is like that. No distractions. Wishing you well!! Cathy


I felt you and heard that holy bird's song.
Both lifted me up and brought me here. Thank you rebecca for this sanctuary.
LOVE to you always and always.


take your time
we will always wait for you
to gather together



oh, rebecca I know the feeling. last week i forgot to write my name here even though i linked to the site. you are definitely worth waiting for at anytime :)


You are so eloquent and artistic.
Thanks for being our friend.


Lovely picture!:)


Holy and wholly with you, dear R.

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