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January 25, 2013


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Bon Voyage, Rebecca - have a wonderful time!

Haiku Water

"weightless unfurling" -- great, as if weight were a property bound up in some hidden wrapping up of the essence of the suitcase. Just beautiful.


Oh my! Savor every moment!

Laura Hegfield

have a wonderful trip dear Rebecca!!!


Make your new favorite safe ♥♥♥

Kim  Mailhot

I so love how you take wing...Enjoy the flight. Our love carries you on your way...

Magical Mystical Teacher

So glad to be here at this gathering place today!

Anthony North

That would be a cool suitcase.

Dawn Elliott - AlterEgoMexicana

I wish I were a stow away in your luggage, looking forward to the joy that awaits all of you in San Miguel! Thinking of you every step (and bite) of the way! Be sure to say hello to Tia for me...


You are taking us with spirit and thought!

safe travels, lots of fun!


I will be dancing with you in spirit in that beautiful courtyard and city! Have a wonder filled trip Rebecca... may your journey be the best ever... love you so! XO


i know one day i will join you in person. this time via airwaves. bon voyage, traveling heart.


Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!!!!

peggy gatto

Have an artful journey!!!!!!

Carol and artmusedog ^_^

Have a wonderful time and Bon Voyage ~ Carol

(A Creative Harbor) ^_^

Gemma Wiseman

Such beautiful thoughts in your haiku! The last line is magical!

Nonnie aka Scrappy Grams

weird and wonderful!


Hoping for spring here!!! Not in the near future though!! Wonderful Haiku!!! Thank you!!

Deb Taylor

I want to go.
Take me with you.

Ramesh sood

Thanks Rebecca..I have certainly travelled light from west to north of India.. ah from pleasant weather to chill..real cold here in Panjab... my haiku says it all.. have a look..



Be safe, be well, be happy, fly with LOVE! Wish I could be there :o) ((HUGS))

Magical Mystical Teacher

If you don't show up here soon, I'm going to encourage others to use this old linky for their February 1st posts. Hope you don't mind! Gotta have the Friday haiku fix!



Me too... joining in with our Mystical Magical Teacher in using the old link and sending my love to you and all in that beautiful city of creative beauty! I love you!

travel safely! I think they sell those suitcases on Amazon...


OK - thanks for the message, MMT and Lea. I wrote this one on Sunday. I have another one for today about a dog - surprise - that needed rescue.


So happy to find we are meeting on the old link!! Thanks for the heads up, MMT. Hope you are having a wonderful trip, Rebecca!


Thank you for the message MMT, I really appreciate it :)
Hope all is well Rebecca, can a person have too much fun?


I've been missing for a week or two, but I'm so glad I found the link! Hope you are having a restful and heart-filling trip, Rebecca! I can't wait to see pictures!

peggy gatto

thanks for the "heads up" on posting here!
Enjoy the weekend!!!!!!!


Oh what a beautiful blog you have.

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