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December 11, 2012


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What an incredible piece of writing and such a beautiful experience, Rebecca. This is really the best writing I've seen from you. It's exceptional!


Mr. Linky doesn't seem to want to wake up this morning - I can't get it to record the information.


Absolutely, undeniably, incredibly DIVINE...
I am going back to that I know how it ends I want to savor it slooowly.

Hettienne Grobler

Exceptional is the right word! this is breathtaking - I have read and re-read it - it is as though I am there with that little girl - you have inspired me to resume my pre-dawn meditations!! thank you for such an incredible blessing as this piece of prose!!

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio

Yes, I too, seek the sacred in the mundane. I think we are all doing that collectively here with you at the helm. Your words are as beautiful as you describe that arch of flowers and provides a universe of inspiration.

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio

P.S. my four brothers had a paper route too-much of what you described here is familiar to mee too. FOlding all those issues and stuffing the Sunday paper. It was hard work for them-particularly as some homes had vicious dogs to guard the property!

Forest Dream Weaver

Rebecca I'm coming back to this.....


Rebecca what beautiful writing. I was lost in your words. It reminded me of when my younger son David had a route and I was doing the same, except that I didn't run into Mary in a garden. Wish I had. Thank you so much for your words. I was there.

Magical Mystical Teacher

Your waiting is a sacred task...


Dawn is sacred. This morning there was a Moon smile and two big stars in the east waiting for the rising sun.


Your poetry is an incredible gift. I feel indescribably enriched and can only say thank you.


Rebecca, your words, your stories and memories, transport the reader right into the page with you, right into the thought, right into that moment in time. This is lovely, it's beautiful, at the same time heartbreaking, having to leave that moment. Thank you for this wonderful journey. I even felt the unseen eyes, as a child would, in that window. I know, that you know, that you are blessed.


Oh my, Rebecca, this is such a moving post! What a lovely story you tell. I can't tell you how uplifting this was for me. Thank you.xx


Another magnificent post and photography ~ I agree with the memory of feeling something special when I first saw a statue of Our Lady ~ it was profound and loving ~

(A Creative Harbor) aka artmusedog and Carol ^_^

Nonnie aka Scrappy Grams

Oh, my goodness, Rebecca, your talents blow me away. I love how your words are woven to perfection. My mind's eye follows your journey from childhood to now.

Nonnie aka Scrappy Grams

I forgot to say how much I love the first shot of Mary. It made me gasp at your first sighting of Mary.

Forest Dream Weaver

Finding the sacred in the mundane is so important and it's always there,a shift in perception is all that's needed.Thanks for sharing your memories,and as always your writing is very special.Love your photos too Rebecca.....lovely light!

peggy gatto

Speechless....I am, taking it all in. I see a lovely little "mornings with Mary" book that needs to be published by you!!!
I'd keep it by my bedside!

Lisa at Greenbow

This is beautiful heartfelt prose. A warm cup of tea on an icy winter day. Thank you.


I often think of the times as a child, teenager, maybe even early 20's when i would wake completely refreshed, 100% repaired and remade, feeling like everything in my young life had been made new with the passing of a night and the light of dawn.. the image a sheer white curtain, waving in soft light smelling of fresh laundry.. maybe i too wait for a return to innocence, healing light..


amazing, astounding, breathtaking, extraordinary, impressive, marvelous, miraculous, spectacular, staggering, startling, striking, stunning, stupefying, stupendous, wonderful, wondrous - YES, this is definitely ALL THAT.


oh Rebecca, what a gift you have...of story telling from heart to heart.


Fran aka Redondowriter

The personal story of how you found Mary in your childhood and your relationship with your brother and the newspapers touched me to the depths. Where was the courtyard that you entered and saw Mary at age 8? Do you still live in that town? All that innocence--before the losses, and difficult times weathered you are heart-rending.


I am blown away at the beauty of your tales of childhood awareness and devotion. Your writing is truly wonderous...I eagarly drank it all in, languishing in awe as your story unfolded...relating to some parts and astonished by others...thouroughly enjoying every second...

Laurie Zuckerman

Pardon my delay in posting today. So much to do to finish up my semester at the community college. Yes, now to breath and take a few moments to read your words of wisdom for today. And to breath, breath, breath.

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