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October 21, 2012


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My father knew he was dying for several years and did his best to put everything in order for us to take care of mom and move on without him. This was the greatest gift he could ever leave us.
Your writing is beautiful! Thanks again for hosting this meme.


~~ he had a way about him~~


such a loving tribute...

{{ + now we can see
about how you
you }}


Beautiful tribute to your DAD. I love how you wrote your soul into this post. Thank you for sharing.


the world is blessed by people like this, the heart is strengthened by your writing without ever meeting the man.. may he continue to guide you xxxx

peggy gatto

I want you to know how I enjoyed your post and your genuine out pouring of your words comforted and inspired me.
"saying good bye frays my soul" beautiful!!!!!!!!

Paula Scott: Molokai Girl Studio

Letting go of our parents is not an easy thing to do. I think about how I will fare when it is time to let my dad go. I know he, like your dad, will go with grace. He is at peace with his life and accepts whatever comes his way. Our fathers have given us such an incredible legacy to live on with!


Marvelous post ~ 'Letting Go' ~ takes lots of practice it seems ~ tis the 'way' ~ change is the one constant of life ~ lots of hugs to you and I know you are blessed ~ ( A Creative Harbor) ^_^

 Elizabeth Aquino

Beautiful post, as always, Rebecca. I've missed you and hope that you're well.


Your memories of your Father are priceless and so wonderful to share here. I know exactly of which you speak as I recall leaving Chicago with my bride and 1 year old child in tow, to head North and start a new life in the country, settling in rural Minnesota for a spell.
we're still here, inn that general area, and I look back and only now do I see what we did when we left our parents. We waved goodbye, I'm sure, but didn't realize how broken their hearts were until many years later, after it was too late to mend them.
Just yesterday afternoon, I had this talk with my oldest Grand Daughter about how I loved it when she would come over to just spend some time with her Grand Mother and me. It fell on deaf ears, but I know she'll remember some day.
Thank you for sharing. Have a wonderful time in San Miguel.


Laurie Zuckerman

OMG! What a beautifully written elegy to your father, Rebecca. Beautiful. I am overcome.

Judy Wise

I saw my own life reflected in your well chosen words, Rebecca. And now I have a grandson who does not look back and I know more about life than I sometimes want to.

Thank you for the light you send forth.

Lisa JonesMoore

Oh so beautiful Rebecca, my father also left a mark on me that will never fade, a lust for LIFE and no regrets.

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