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« la Calaca love in the boats of heaven | Main | la calaca love la última canción »

October 12, 2012


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LOVE is always my favorite song! :o) Love to you, Rebecca ((HUGS))

Laura Hegfield

oh Rebecca... this, this is THE way to live our lives, isn't it??? Beautiful as always!




Good Day Rebecca, I have posted a new haiku not on fiercely, but ... the song in my heart was about rainbow. So I posted a haiku about rainbow.
This haiku was a post to Carpe Diem (my new daily haiku meme). Be welcome to visit this new daily haiku meme at:


oh yes
dear one!
this morning
i have a Song of Sharing!

{{ PS--thank you
for this Forum of FriendShip }}


There is a song in me every day, and it's never the funeral dirge.
If I remember correctly, Ella Fitzgerald sings a song by that very name. All need to heed this simple advice, to live from your heart and with our hearts continuously.
Your haiku brightened my day. I think I'll live my life like a musical today. Poor Mrs. Spadoman is going to have to listen to me sing.
Thank you for pulling us all together yet again with haiku, with our hearts.



Good Morning Rebecca and all ~ lovely haiku so filled with love ~ wishing you a loving and peaceful weekend ~ (A Creative Harbor) ^_^

Anthony North

Spot on with the haiku.


What a beautiful site you have here!! This is my first time sharing here but I have been enjoying it for a while. I am away from my computer for several hours today but I will visit poets later!! Thank you for this lovely site!


Rebecca, I was a little bit surprised (but not too much) to find how similar our haiku are. I wrote this Sunday in anticipation of being ahead of the game this week...Ha! But here I am in any case by the seat of my pants.
Love to you♥


Straight from the heart...the only way to go!


My song sounds a bit dim, as I'm afraid I catched a cold... but I cheerped a little bit on my blog as I could not skip the haiku-friday... I hope a day rest will do, and that I will be able to visit each and everyone one of the participants in the weekend!


Yes!!! Slowly, truly, I peel back the layers for my heart to live true! How I love to come and sing here with you and everyone! XO

peggy gatto

I actually posted mine yesterday but didn't link up until now and I glad to say I was on the "right track"
love your words!!!!!!


My heart less fragile more fierce with haiku.


Lover of small words, stripping down to barest of essentials, this has been such a great time of sharing goodwill, and only love remains.:-)Great words Rebecca! Have a great weekend!

Adriana Esqueda

Their singing with heart!

Deb Taylor

loving you fiercely
singing my love song for you
now and forever

I adore Bonnie's comment "Forum of Friendship"
I prescribe to this


Queenie Believe

Have a great day.
Always, Queenie

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