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September 21, 2012


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Magical Mystical Teacher

Not one moment is unholy...not even the ones we think are hellish. Holy, holy, holy!


Oh my Goodness!!!!!! The picture takes my breath away!!!! I think I inhaled all the air there was in the house when I saw it!!!! I must catch it!!! This is a wonderful way to start my day!!! Glory be to GOD!!! Cathy


Yes. It has been shown to me over and over, near brushes with the end, that indeed, every moment is Sacred and a Blessing.
Your photo is divine. Your words exquisite.


Kim Mailhot

"as we wake to place our feet on the floor of living" these words.
Good morning, Extraordinary Heart. Sending you sweet love and pure light on this fine, fine, holy day.


extraordinary! yes, each moment is holy, even the times that ache. ♥♥♥

Ramesh Sood

Thanks.. said it.. Oh, how I keep enjoying in my attempts to catch each moment.. sometimes it slips..OK..I look at the newer one there..many a time this becomes so lovely...ah, just to be.. that's life to me..


Sue Fox

Your small words grip my heart in the most 'holy' way, filled with vivid colour and light!

Dawn Elliott

I love everything about your haiku's beautiful and wise and oh, so true. Everything seems to go so fast - summer being a great example - and we need to be mindful of the blessing and grace of each moment. This is really exquisite in all ways today, Rebecca!

deb taylor

how interesting once again that we are both writing about the same topic...light!
Unknowing what each other types...we still experience the same feelings of love and light...and YES! every moment is holy.
I love you Rebecca.

Deb Taylor

I just had to return because I finally joined TypePad so I can comment with my tiny little picture!! {sometimes it's the little things}

Anthony North

Beautiful words in the haiku.


Beautiful words, excellent photo, love it. I welcome each day with a prayer. God is good! Your blog just rocks Rebecca, you are one of my favorites.


one tiny moment
held close
makes all the difference...

{{ you were looking up
i was looking down...
wants to miss a thing }}


Sharing fleeting moments with you has made all of the difference.


I'm Catching life and living it fully, what a inspiring haiku Rebbeca, thank you, have a blessed weekend!


Wonderful photography ~ awesome! Yes, each moment is sacred ~ thanks for hosting ~ (A Creative Harbor)


YES to the HOLY.
Sharing a cute gnome this week at my place.

Mama Zen

This really speaks to my heart!


Yesterday I struggled to rise above shock; an awareness of deep contempt from another. Not easy. The light came pouring back in after a while. Your brilliant contrail reveals just how sharp the pain was and then the overcoming just as bright.


Yes. Each moment holy. Each moment a streak across the sky that causes me to pause and breath in the beauty of now, this miracle of being here. XO


I have shared a set of haiku on hummingbirds. It's such an extraordinary bird. Enjoy the read.

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