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July 12, 2012


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Your words are a wondrous potion for the soul...makes me want to experience more sunrises, for sure!

Anthony North

Beautiful pics and words.


Wonderful indeed!!! The pictures lift the spirit!!! Have a grand weekend!

Sue Fox

I so love the top photo, it feels very intimate, a closeness, a connection.........
Sue xxxx


The photos and haiku definitely fill my cup - beautiful!


You have seen my morning today with your words and photos.
The crows were here this morning, early, not only filling the skies with their dark wings, but the air with their sometimes mournful caw. I was indeed in my 'garment of sunrise'. The privacy of my back yard allows me to stand in my skivvies and watch the sun come up across the freshly cut hay field, (third cutting this year), of the University of Wisconsin experimental farm.
When I sat down at the computer to post my offering for today's Haiku My Herat, I started to drink, and i will continue to drink from the posts of the Haiku My Heart community of friends until I leave on a four day adventure in a matter of an hour.
Love coming here, love being part of this great and wonderful loving community.


deb taylor

you, my friend, are "Loyal Sun"

Magical Mystical Teacher

My cup is overflowing, thanks to all who come here!


Once again ~ awesome photography and inspiring and magical words ~ thanks for hosting ~~ thanks ^_^ (A Creative Harbor)


The beautiful, bright and sunny green with the black bird against it... fantastic Rebecca!

Ramesh Sood

I am happy to be back on a Friday drinking from this cup of keeps me satiated for the whole week.. thanks a lot Rebecca.. RS:)


This raven, what a sight. Recently read an amazing story of Ravens by Craig Childs...ritualistic and spiritual



My up feels a little fuller seeing this. :o) Happy Days, Rebecca ((HUGS))

kerin rose

here for the first time....I love the raven photos! beauty!

kerin rose

apologies for the double post!...( click happy!)


So Good to see crows nearby
as they Do recognize your face,
you know...

my cup is so full!

{{ today must B
Bird Day
at Haiku My Heart }}

for synchronicity!

peggy gatto

Can words be "gorgeous" ?
I think these words are......!


This whole post is just magical...the way the photos kind of blur around the edges contributes to the whole dream-like feel. Love it!!


How refreshing your blog is! I wasn't sure if I could post the same haiku here that I posted somewhere that kosher, or is the audience preferring we don't do that? Looking to see what others are doing...;-)

Magical Mystical Teacher

The great thing about Haiku My Heart is that there are no rules, no police, no consequences for posting here, there, and everywhere. Rebecca welcomes everyone! :)

Andrea thompson

Your photos are amazing, i love that they are full of light, movement and beauty!

I once did a painting with words in the background that said..." my cup is overflowing but please pour me one more drop!" that applies to my feelings about this post!


I am never up early enough to see a sunrise, so both your photos and haiku are gratefully witnessed. Lovely!

Christine L. Villa

Beautiful words and photos as always. I'm sorry for typing my name without posting on my blog yet. I thought I could make up my mind what to write tonight. I'll come up with something for sure tomorrow. Hope some of you would be able to see it by then. Thanks to all!

Christine L. Villa

I posted twice under a different name. Sorry. Just figured out what to share to everyone and directly added the link. Thanks to all!
Christine (Blossom Rain)


What a vivid image of an explosion of blackbird, crows, ravens, whatever, arising from trees to start the daily hunt anew.

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