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March 11, 2012


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Carol (artmusedog)

Your prayer is wonderful ~ You are such a spiritual person ~ enlightened woman ~ Love the asian doll in the photo ~ thanks for hosting ~ wishing you the kind of week you want ~ namaste, Carol ^_^

Meri @ Meri's Musings

Your words always inspire and touch my heart. You are a bit of paradise embodied.

deb taylor

Meri nailed truly are Paradise embodied

Mama Zen



Though I don't get to participate in your weekly event, Rebecca, I love to visit this when I can and join hearts here... always inspired...*sigh*... ((HUGS))


You are the most generous of souls.


Laura Hegfield

A beautiful way to honor and remember the tragedy, courage and compassion of that terrible event in Japan dear Rebecca...I shared a link from a few months ago...that day in my backyard felt like paradise to me.

Magical Mystical Teacher

"Where has paradise taken you?" you ask.

Exactly the right question. Paradise takes us, not the other way around.

Take me! Take me!

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