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January 03, 2012


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What a wonderful thing to share. I remember making cinnamon ornaments with my children when they were little for our Christmas tree. It was a lovely practice. Making the beads and putting them by the bedside would be a wonderful new twist.
Have a wonderful day


I've never heard of this...but what a wonderful idea...

all of it, the sitting and talking with a friend, the hanging of the string to infuse the air with this scent and the memories of making them.



This is fantastic -- something I've never heard of. I think I'll try it and certainly listen to Neil Young's Cinnamon Girl as I do so.

Hettienne Grobler

Dear Rebecca, this is absolutely fantastic and I will be making these!! Thank you for your lovely blessing on my blog. A peaceful and healthy 2012 for you. I have today returned from a wonderful restorative two weeks at the seaside! I am seeing the travel agent tomorrow re flights to Mexico :) blessings to you dear one.


I love this idea and will think of you as i make them. I too have made ornaments this way before, but it was a long time ago. thanks for reminding me!


An inspired idea...I think I will do this today. Your words today were just so beautiful, Rebecca. You are always so good for what ails me xoxo

Sue Fox

I'll save this one for next Christmas or A Mary a Day! Can smell it from over here!

Sue x


Love, love, love this idea. I'm thinking to use the cookie cutouts and/or beads as a fragrant Valentine's gift. Think I'll give it a try with my grand son and daughter. Thanks for the lovely way you shared the scented memories with us. So glad I stopped by today. x0 N2


Reminds me of the rose petals beads we used to make when I was a child at the Convent. Running between your fingers, now purplish colored by the "blood" of the roses we used to carefully form the perfect symbols of the Rosary, and the stained finger would last and last all through the Summer until vacation time. I love cinnamon beads - although I am not particularly fond of cinnamon unless it is Korintje cinnamon.

I return the sentiment; you and I don't need to be anywhere except in each other's heart. Just remember that.


my dear *fragrant* hummingbird... thank you for this. and for your words at my place. my heart has been so touched that i find myself full of gratitude and (almost) empty of words.

you know i wish you





in this new



soul Journey

I too can smell the scent of those beads all the way from here too, I love that angel statue you have she looks so ethereal! Lovely!


lovely. you and the beads...


I just love this and want to share with
my dear friend who taught me how to make
tamales. The pictures are gorgeous and your words as always.

Donna The Woodwife

Love this!! I am going to make some this week!!! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!

Kim Mailhot

The poetry of this post filled me up with cinnamon and friendship and warmed, warmed, warmed my heart.
How I love the beauty of your heart, my Friend!


oo i can smell the love from here!! a lovely project to share, thank you, miss rebecca

Magical Mystical Teacher

Cinnamon and friends--an unbeatable combination!

Queenie Believe

What a wonderful tradition. I had never heard of cinnamon dough. As a kid we would make Christmas tree ornaments out of salt dough, bake, and then paint.
Thank you for sharing the receipe.
Have a great day.
Always, Queenie

Meri @ Meri's Musings

I think I should like to share this with FinallyMe readers. May I?


Reading this drew tears to my eyes as most things you write do. Everything you do and say resonates so deeply with my heart and soul. The sweetly spiced fragrance of friendship is something to be deeply cherished. These beads -- the work of your hands in making them, the prayers that infuse them, the memories that hold them together, one by one, the angel who wears them are all of a sacred and beautiful piece. They are a deep and lasting expression of soul. Last night or early this morning, I had a dream, that a friend was laying her hands on my shoulders and back and blessing me, and as she did so she said, "You are blessed now, so that you can go forth and Bless." I believe that friend was you, rebecca. Thank you for these beautiful words and for the love you share.


oh my!
this too???
and sharing
yes, Rebecca - I will...

xox - eb.

sharon furner

This sweet offering brings back several memories, once lost in an aging brain. I do recall making cinnamon beads with my could I forget that, it was so messy and so fun. Next my mind wandered to our time in Cambodia where we learned about the cinnamon bark and what is truly cinnamon and what is not. And now when I go to the store I wonder: where is this from, what was its journey from there to here. Just like us. Thanks for helping me remember.
warmly: sharon

peggy gatto

Oh my, I almost missed seeing this!
thank you!


this is simply beautiful...what a ritual of friendship.


Oh my! What a wonderful way to spend an afternoon!

cynthia korzekwa

Lovely! so nice to visit your blog again!

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