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January 20, 2012


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Ramesh Sood

Thanks to both
for the gift of Friday;
God and Rebecca..


How lovely Rebecca - such a fantastic image and the words which accompany it. =)

Anthony North

Great advice in the haiku.


Love this colorful, thrilling image...nothing like some paint visual to get the creative juices going! Sending blooms of love back to you, Rebecca...Happy Weekend ((HUGS))

Magical Mystical Teacher

The opening line, "i collect chances", grabbed my heart!


oh you!

you do this--->
~~bloom bold and true~~
all the live long day
where ever U R !

longing 2 C your art*play, missy!

have The Best Time!


I would love to collect chances...gotta work on my boldness...

Kim Mailhot

I am soaking up the brightness and color on this icy blue day way up North.

Enjoy the blooming, Beautiful !
Love you !


All the colors of the rainbow and a heart of living-breathing gold, which is you...

peggy gatto

My true colors!!!
Happy haiku friday

Carol (artmusedog)

Wonderful ~ photos, haiku ~ enjoy the weekend ~ namaste, carol (A Creative Harbor) ~

Carol (artmusedog)

Is Saints and Sinners an inclusive or exclusive club? namaste, Carol ^_^

deb taylor

oh how want to get all messy and painty with you

Fran aka Redondowriter

What an absolutely wondrous week this has to have been. So much color, sun, creation, friendship. Are you home yet?

Susie Clevenger

The beauty of color in life...You write such beautiful haiku


This is beautiful..thank you~


Love this!! You make me feel all is possible.......
(wonder where my bibs are???) I need to dig them out!!!!!!
Thanks dear friend!

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