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December 05, 2011


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o rebecca! she is so beautiful!!! i would love to go to SM with post is about a different mary, but hopefully, still enjoyable...xo

Hettienne Grobler

This is a gorgeous Mary Santos. I first learnt about Santos dolls on Etsy very recently - I have never seen one other than in photographs. She is absolutely beautiful and a devotive by herself.

Hettienne Grobler

and I should have added : hopefully I will be able to see this one in person soon! how amazing would that be! blessings



this mary
looks as if she has won
all the Olympic medals in the Wide World
for being saintly!

i swoooon
how she looks
towards the heavens...

Carol (artmusedog)

Rebecca ~ thank you for hosting this event ~ awesome photos! Wow! ~ and thanks for 'being you' ~~ thanks, namaste, Carol (A Creative Harbor) ^_^


The only thing on my wish list is a Santos like this one...
Thank you Rebecca♥♥♥

elizabeth bunsen

she breaks my heart!
so lovely Rebecca
thoroughly enjoying
the interface
of past and present Madonnas
and swirling amongst
all the new arrivals...

love to you,
happy Monday...

xox - eb.

Donna The Woodwife

Oh so very beautiful. Looks like a tear falling down her face - almost made me cry (in a good way) as I looked at her - she so tugged at my heart.

Paula Scott: Molokai Girl Studio

I can see why she is one of your most favorite Marys'-just looking at it here, she has become mine too. Talk about knocking your socks off-this is it.
Perhaps destiny will offer me the chance to come with you to San Miguel someday. I am a firm believer that if it was meant to be, it will happen in due time.
Thanks you once again for starting off my day so beautifully.

Sue Fox

I hope to sing this song with you all the days of my life, and oh San Miguel calls ~ one day!

Sue x


So beautiful ,you can almost hear her prayer.

Fran aka Redondowriter

I could linger over this madonna and her myriad of details for a long time. To me she is Our Lady of Sorrows, carrying the burden of all our pain--although I would imagine she is at the foot of the cross of her son. So beautifully created by someone who was deeply enmeshed in Our Lady's story. I can only dream that someday I'll go to San Miguel with you before I'm too old to go.

Laurie Zuckerman

OH!! What a beauty she is. I find myself jealous of all the Madonnas you have seen that I have yet to see. Someday, one day, we will go in search of Madonnas together.


I can see why she's one of your favorites (and I wouldn't mind going on that little pilgrimage myself)!

peggy gatto

She is so simple, yet I look closer and she is not! Truly a beauty!!!
Another wonderful start to my day!!

deb taylor

I will never forget the day I stood by your side with her such sacred beauty and love and appreciation for this Divine Mary...and then we went to some skanky bar and danced away the holy waters of the afternoon!!


When I read that this masterpiece was in San Miguel, I had the thought that I am alive today so I can get there with you some day. Let me know when the next trip is. I am extremely optomistic that I will be able to go.
(I also want to do what Deb says in the comment above, I see dancing in my future)

Much Peace sent your way


San Miguel is a place I have always wanted to visit, yet in many ways I have always felt I've been there !?! This is a beautiful idea so glad to have found this to join in!


She is most unusual, Rebecca. The suffering in her face is a testimony of the greatest challenge God gives to women; boundless love for their children and absolute faith that they are safe in His care.

The Rosary Lady

Rebecca, I love this one. The look on her face mirrors how I feel inside today. From the moment I opened my eyes, it has been a struggle for me.... they keep gazing Heaven-ward in supplication for help. Tomorrow will be better. Yes, it will.

Peace be with you (and also with me, I hope)

Miss Robyn

oh be still my heart! I just have to come!! I am still pondering.. are there any places left? if Mary wants me to be there, I will be, I guess xo


She is wonderful.
I can feel her from here.
My heart is beating with a thrill.


This is the most beautiful happy to have visited her

Just now coming up for breath...lovely to sit with the beautiful Marys.



I love this series that you're hosting and have so enjoyed moving through all the wonderful participants' post. This particular statue, though, affects me -- not necessarily in a good way, either. She bothers me -- her look -- I'm not sure why.

Miss Robyn

mine is up! I love, love this statue.. it is so - me.. for some reason it resonates with me.. if I don't get there.. can you lay a flower at her feet for me?


Rebecca did I stop here and say how pretty all of the art work is here .. very unusual Mary too .. I smile every time I see you in the sombrero .. perfect picture !
joy : )


i can see why she is your favorite...

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