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« postcards from paradise, walk slowly bow often | Main | a virgin a day, mornings with mary »

November 29, 2011


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i do remember this from last year!


i shall go scouting
for some this week
whilst i cannot promise 1~a~day,
i think i can photo*capture a few


oh happy day
this celebratory time of year!

Magical Mystical Teacher

Let's I prefer the Burnt Tortilla Mary or the Water Stain Mary? Ha! I know: The Edgy, Irreverent, Irresistible Mary! She's the one for me!

deb taylor

Oh yes, of course me, myself and all my Marys will join you too!

Donna The Woodwife

Oh beautiful idea....I will certainly try to do this as well. I too cannot get enough Mary....ever....


Another year has passed. Where did it go. I'll participate as much as possible. Will be gone about half the time. However, I might find Virgins in SoCal and if I do, I'll post to Flickr. I recently discovered that I can post to my blog from Flickr with my PHONE! How cool is that?


Thanks for the invite, Rebecca! I'm in, as I can't get enough of her either...She is what the world needs now. Love. Sweet Love.
I am sending some to you♥♥♥for all that you do. And all that you are.


This is so lovely, and so fun, Rebecca! I love the marigold-crowned Mary at the end. Having been brought up Catholic, I still have a soft spot in my heart for Mary. :o) Happy Day ((HUGS))

Carol (artmusedog)

Rebecca ~ Blessings to you ~ would love to be part of this wonderful journey ~ hugs and namaste, Carol (A Creative Harbor)


What a great image!! As soon as the sale is over this weekend I'll be back to posting...lot's of great images to choose from.


Fran aka Redondowriter

I put up a Mary post today to alert everyone that tomorrow our project begins.

Noelle Clearwater

Okay, You've got me again darling friend. Who can resist the Lady of Light. I already have three or four prepared in the wings so that I can continue writing. How is that for organization!
I love you! Beautiful post!


oh oh oh...
just going through
last year's journal
where the Donnas abide...

will send one or two over
for tea...

xox - eb.


Thank you so much for inviting me to participate!I had been thinking about you and this wonderful tradition you have started.I am honored to participate!Thank you for thinking of me!Love and Light,

Hettienne Grobler

Dear Rebecca, this is awesome - thank you for the invite - it will now become tradition - I have linked up and also shared your invite and link on my blog and on

Magical Mystical Teacher

When Mr. Linky is ready this fine Thursday morning, so am I--and so is Mary!


Rebecca... I am looking forward to participating in this. I so enjoyed doing it last year and have been "saving" ideas since last December to post this year. And, it will have healing effects for me as I convelesce.
Like you, I am drawn in to the idea of peace through the Virgin Mary and all the images pertrayed throughout the world.
Thank you for hosting this grand event.



I'm IN... There's just something about the BVM that gets me every time!!


What a beautiful idea! Count me in!

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