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October 05, 2011


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WOW! Sounds amazing. So why am I thinking of all the reasons I couldn't possibly do that? OMG wish I was brave.

Kim Mailhot

What a joy-filled, dream retreat of a life time !!!! Rebecca, Flora, paint and play and San Miguel ?!?!?! Magic upon magic...

Perhaps the path will open up but in this moment, I don't see my path heading that way. But dreams bring joy too !

I am so grateful to the Universe for bring this wonderful gathering into your world, Beautiful Rebecca. You, whose heart will soak it in and let the love burst forth from you. Yes.

I love you.


Dear Rebecca, This retreat looks fantastic! Wow, that will be bliss spending a week painting with Flora in beautiful San Miguel. I am so happy that you are organising this adventure. You are amazing! Wini xo

cynthia eloise

what an awesome retreat.


What a wonderful style in the art.
And the photographs tell the story
along with the words.
Thank you.

William Charlebois

These paintings are so incredibly beautiful. The colors certainly do bring joy. Us poor people will just have to stand by the wayside and look at the paintings. That isn't such a horrible thing. Just seeing so much color makes me happy!


it makes me
~~so happy~~
to think
of you


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