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October 06, 2011


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This is my favourite of all your lovely haiku...and I loved so many of them. Thank you for the sunshine, Rebecca.

Grammy E

I too think your words today are amazing. Joy is in abundance with this Haiku. Have a wonderful week. Sorry have not been by in a while. I just have not been writing much.
Sending a big hug.
Grammy E


This has really brought great joy to my heart!! Such melodious words and making bold assertions too! I love it immensely!! A standing ovation rebecca!!

Ramesh Sood

The joy here inspired me to write a fresh poem in haiku..and whatever came was spontaneous...came back and linked here.. keep inspiring... anyone can visit your page and shake hands with happiness and joy... I always do..


Indeed, clouds really cannot diminish the gladness. The rain cannot drown the joy! Really lovely!!!!

Magical Mystical Teacher

The sun in my heart greets the sun in your heart this morning, Rebecca. May we both glow throughout the day!

deb taylor

blinded by the JOY here....I love you Rebecca and your passionate JOYful colores!


Coming here and being a part of Haiku My Heart always brings some JOY into my life. Even thinking about it brings JOY. Knowing you brings JOY. Sounds and looks like a wonderful Winter trip ahead. That is a JOYFUL thought and you are right, no cloud can cover that kind of JOY.



Oh I have missed you and your joyful, heart opening posts : ) So happy to be back with your haiku heart!


Shining brightly as you always do.


indeed! may we all skip merrily with JOY in our hearts!

Kim Mailhot

Oh these bright shiny hearts sharing...brings a smile to my heart each week.
Big Love to you, Our lovely Hostess !

Gloria Y

Yaaaaaaaaaay! It's Haiku My Heart Friday!!! ((Jumps up and down and does the special TWIRLING happy dance in the rain))! I love it here :)

Helen Campbell

Your haiku is inspiring to me on this rainy day. I've been enjoying this each Friday through my friend Cheryl's blog, and decided to join in today.


What wonderful words, Rebecca... and such a carefree photograph!!
Have a great weekend! =)

Cheryl's Excellent Adventure

I love your photo and haiku today. It has been raining here off and on and I love it. I love the smell of rain. I feel it touch my soul and heal it.

noelle clearwater

Hello Rebecca Dear,
Dancing in the Rain Are we? We have had some here as well but only for a day. Still Fall is in the air, crisp and cool. Your haiku heals my heart which feels a bit weighed down today. Thank you!

miss pie

shining so bright on a lovely day... it is the spirit of yr happiness that floats...


Words in these lovely lines spread cheer. Such a heart-warming haiku!

Hello Rebecca,
I'm linking up with you today.

Deb C

Love the haiku and the photo with it.

Susie Clevenger

so will outshine the clouds that try and bury your heart...lovely writing as always


i found your link through spadoman and i'm enjoying your haiku. you've inspired me to write one and i've been thinking about my workboots alot lately. i do not have a blog, so i was hoping you would share my haiku here. thank you and thanks again for the beautiful words and pictures.

ordinary boots
simple leather construction
i walk where snakes live

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