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September 01, 2011


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What a beautiful haiku/photo combination Rebecca! It's sad that summer's ending - for us here in the UK, it had barely begun!!
Have a wonderful weekend! =)

Magical Mystical Teacher

Falling leaf,
do I know your name?
You know mineā€¦


Falling into the COOL water! :D :D


Yes, it seems after this weekend we all look to autumn but the heat of the summer will linger...Whew! wishing you a grand weekend!


love love that photo! And the cooling thought of fall, ahhhhh!


I adore this shot!!

I did not sleep so am up early and on my way...happy Friday to you!

will be Haiku hopping tomorrow


the seasons teach us
the secrets of letting go
so we can fly free...

here to bask in the beauty of words pared down to their essence... to remind me there is, indeed, beauty in this process. love to you on this haiku friday...

Dawn Elliott

I think that this is my favorite haiku of yours to date...and that's no small thing! It is beautiful and poignant...perfect...
and such a joy to read!


I love this haiku as well and that cool, aqua pool of liquid space looks so inviting. Such a wonderful close to the summer. I love the idea of sunflowers "bowing their heads" and change "whispering in the shadows". So evocative!


having no crimson leaf falling
in florida
i will borrow yours...

{{ i have no son
so i might need 2 borrow
Him as well}}


i have my haiku on
can start my week*end!

Kim Mailhot

What an amazing photo !!!
Yes, my lovely, those changes would seem to be upon us, as the summer glow lingers on for just a little longer...I love Fall very much but do regret this gorgeous season's end this year.
I hope the new month brings you some renewed energy and some sweet, healing days. Much love !


That is a great that your son will certainly cherish. I love the line, 'one crimson leave falls'.


One crimson leaf indeed... lovely!


Wish I could do that free-fall but I'm terrified!!
Beautiful haiku filled with pleasing colours...
the cool and the a beautiful imagery of autumn!!


Evening in Holland
the sky lights up one more time
last ray of sunshine

... while I finish my blogpost. I had a busy day, but didn't want to miss 'haiku-time'. I looked forward to this, you, all day. Have a lovely weekend dear one!

cynthia eloise

great photo. thanks for the opportunity to reflect. end of summer brings children to mind, back to school and cool fall mornings.


Good morning Rebecca. As usual, you gives us words that are straight from one heart to another.


Interesting, Rebecca, how we both chose this haiku my heart Friday to suggest the transition of summer to fall. How beautiful that photo is, wanting with all its heart to extend summer's sheer joy, and how that one turning leaf can herald the new truth. I love how you could still feel the consistency, the rock in another. (I ended with crushing destruction from the hurricane!) You've observed, not judged, like a Zen koan.


Beautiful poem Rebecca~the inevitability of change is both sad and welcome:) Hope you are well!!


Thinking of you all day. Yet didn't get to haiku my heart until now.The season changes are evident especially in the quality of light.Much LOVE to you my precious friend.

Fran aka Redondowriter

This looks so doggoned fun and refreshing--if it's your son. Thanks for gathering us together although I'm still not rested up from vacation yet. And summer never really came, except for a few weeks, to the South Bay area of Los Angeles. I'm grateful for all seasons but summer is my fav so I feel a little sad that the gardens are beginning to change already.

Jill K. Berry

I share the summer child water scene with you, and send you warm hugs and all good words.


Summer ends, but will return. We can say good-by in good faith. Autumn has its own gifts. We cherish every season.


Thanks once again for hosting and sharing such beauty with us.

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