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« haiku my heart | Main | joyously becoming »

August 07, 2011


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Magical Mystical Teacher

Could you take me for a walk in your garden someday, please? :-)

Sue Fox

Here of course, where beauty is cultivated in sweet blooming friendships.

Love Sue x


This is so lush and beautiful and you know, I honestly thought that Mary's words were your own until I reached the end of the poem. You always write so beautifully and so well that I would have sworn it sounded just like you. Thank you for this sumptuous feast of color and floral beauty with honey on the side this morning.
Noelle x


Gorgeous Rebecca! My heart took me to see my squash and to pick sweet peas which are growing up through the bamboo. x

jenny f

Coming here always make me happy, thank you Rebecca.


I am linking Nanka's post. You must see it. It is simply beautiful. So moving. I will tell her.


Thank you Noelle and you are such a dear an Angle in disguise!!

Rebecca!!... these radiant and vibrant beauties are picture perfect and are straight from a Paradise on earth!! It felt heavenly walking down Paradise lane!!


Deb Taylor I am in the right place... postcards, haiku, beautiful photos...I am dizzy on matter what the day, it is always the right place to be when I visit you here, my Dear

Karen Gerstenberger

Those photos are so rich and beautiful that they are almost shocking to the senses. Thank you for this tender "wake up" call from you, and Mary Oliver. HUGS to your dear, beautiful heart.


i so love mary oliver's poetry... and your heart.

missing moments

Beautiful flowers ... and I love love love Mary Oliver!

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