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August 20, 2011


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Dearest Rebecca,
I am in tears over your kindness and this beautiful post. I wanted you to know that St. Theresa of the Little Flower was my mother's patron saint and it was, in fact, her middle name. This post is doubly special to me for that reason. Thank you dear for your compassionate and uplifting spirit that always makes room for all in the House of Belonging.
Much Love,

Miss Robyn

St Therese the little flower is my Patron Saint - she was with me for the whole journey of cancer 10yrs ago - helping to heal me with her intercessions. I know.

this post is beautiful, it touched my heart - the photos, the words. you consantly ignite my heart dear Rebecca. I know deep, deep within my soul, that I am truly blessed by your presence in my life.

Miss Robyn

i have taken part this week.. my first post in weeks!


The two of you, in your words and acts of kindness, are a beacon and inspiration for us all.


Noelle Clearwater

Dear Rebecca,
Thank you for your kind words on my blog today. Your post is an oasis in an overwhelming drought of sixty years running. I pray that the people of Somalia and others in the Horn of Africa are heard, seen and welcomed into the House of Belonging.
Much Love,

 encore...please of please

I am swimming in a sea of gratitude, wonder and beauty here , right now, and forever

jenny F

You're gonna think me silly but this is where I come when I need a little something for my soul. Thank you.


YOU are a beautiful soul, Rebecca! YOU have endless amounts of creativity and generosity. I'm so glad that YOU are here in this world. Now I'm off to visit your friend's blog...

Magical Mystical Teacher

I'm looking for a tiny flower for my soul this sleepless here I am...

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