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June 04, 2011


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This such a delightful venture. Good luck!

All the best, Boonie


It all looks great! I am still jet lagged and did a postcard post...will update it today.



Dear rebecca,
It is my intention to support you in my posts in whatever way I can. Blessings on your auction. May it be fruitful and may the proceeds multiply for a wonderful cause. My friend has posted this on his Church facebook site today! He asked me for the link when I told him about it!


I'm so excited to visit again this year - I had no idea that there would be another one following last years amazing benefit/auction, and if there will be one next year I'd love to put my name down to be a part of it and give something too! Please let me know how I can do this! Thank you and hoping lots of money is raised for this wonderful cause! Much love and many blessings ~

Madeline Stevens

Hi there, what a wonderful benefit! I would love to participate in next years auction! please view my shrines and work at
Good luck in raising money this year, the work is just beautiful!
xx Madeline

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