this morning i am thinking about
the house of belonging.
the power of being a part of something greater than ourselves.
there are times when life itself folds us in the immediacy of intrigue.
reels us in on a strong rope of sensual pleasure.
there are a thousand different names for ecstasy.
we lose ourselves at the hem of sunrise, the languid cloak of night.
stars call us out into the heavens, profound beauty lifts us from ordinary,
a few strands of music into the arms of love.
the written word plummets us into the wild terrain of imagination.
a leap of faith to courage, creativity to the essence of soul.
there are times too that life is filled
with overwhelm, unimaginable loss, grief, suffering.
hearts are unmoored.
footing dislodged from the anchors of love. spirits down trodden, faith shaken,
compass lost.
the truth is no one is unscathed.
life is a journey of dualities.
discovery, loss, feast and famine, leaps of faith and falling from grace.
coming together, falling apart.
the immense joy of reunion, the sorrow of parting.
this is the way of things. the wheel of life
splays sunrise and sunset in the same moment.
some people are waking up right now...others dreaming.
there will be birth, death, awakening, disillusionment, fulfillment, emptiness,
falling in love, falling apart, forgiveness, misunderstanding,
careful, reckless, belonging, loneliness, unimaginable joy, immeasurable sorrow.
knowing this,
that we are all inextricably bound in our shared humanity,
that we all know intimately the bright and dark of life.
i am thinking of all the extraordinary ways
we are capable of caring.
of reaching out in compassion.
of seeing where we can offer love, understanding.
at the remarkable power of including,
the healing of belonging.
that the contours of our heart are never fully realized
until we land in the arms of
caring for another.
now tell me friends....where has your stumble taken you??? have stumbled all over me, picked up my pieces and wiped off my wings to fly again...~free~...thank you beyond words. Your heart graces the bedroom walls this week, and it will eventually fly all over this happy home!!
Posted by: deb taylor | February 13, 2011 at 09:59 AM
I feel sorry for the world, the world of those who haven't come across our world! The world of caring by sharing something of the heart with each other.
I thank you as always for this,
love Sue x
Posted by: Sue fox | February 13, 2011 at 10:33 AM
You offer us such beauty, such love, such a sense of belonging. I believe that it starts with each person and if they receive love then they have the ability to share it with others and it becomes multiplied until the world is slowly changed. If we keep it to ourselves, this house of belonging will surely tumble to the ground. I love your words today. They are as beautiful, as filled with grace as something Gibran would write. I believe that we are of the same mind today.
Much Love on Valentines Day and Always,
Posted by: noelle | February 13, 2011 at 10:43 AM
Oh how I wish I was eloquent like you.
Thought provoking words and beautiful images. I love the last one - is that you holding the heart of wings? cute dress. I like a lot :O)
Just about to blog about your Auction.... Lots of love to you.
Posted by: abi monroe | February 13, 2011 at 11:32 AM
mine took me to market to market...
your words always are perfect for me.. I stumble always trying to be one with the Divine.. it is a trust issue for me.. something I am working towards with my inner little girl..
[I saw the heart at Deb's blog.. it is just divine]
{if it is ok, could I print these words into my journal - to read and re-read over and over - to help me remember :
the house of belonging. the power of being apart of something greater than ourselves}
oh & I love your new profile photo !! xo
Posted by: Miss Robyn | February 13, 2011 at 01:38 PM
"hearts are unmoored" is such a strong image for me, thank you for this today.
Posted by: jenny | February 13, 2011 at 01:49 PM
right here. to see your lovely heart. i think about these things, too. how i may be having a nice day, while my friend lies in the hospital in pain. or vice versa. and i'm comforted by the thought that all of us are held, in each of these moments, in the heart of the One who knows the end from the beginning...
Posted by: Leslie | February 13, 2011 at 09:15 PM
my stumble
is each day
was a day of
the hearts
for so very much
for you
and the many...
xox - eb.
Posted by: eb | February 13, 2011 at 10:45 PM
Too long a story to tell, but how appropriate your words are today-more than than they usually are only because of a string of events recently.
As always, I am on the quest to learn how to live in the moment. So difficult to do. But, glorious when you do, no matter how brief.
Posted by: Molokai Girl | February 13, 2011 at 11:55 PM
As always, Rebecca, your words are searingly true and profound.
Posted by: Laurie Zuckerman | February 14, 2011 at 10:38 AM
after reading your words i had to share too
thanks Rebecca
bless your heart and lots of love, hearts, and light to you
Posted by: Carmen | February 14, 2011 at 10:49 AM
Rebecca, each time I come here I am reminded that grace and goodness are profoundly abundant, right here, right now. Thank you for this beautiful place.
keeping hope alive
is not so much an effort
it's recognition
Posted by: Gloria Y | February 19, 2011 at 12:37 AM
Only time to blow kisses your way dearest.
Posted by: sarah | February 19, 2011 at 09:50 PM